silhouette of a girl and a cat

The first time I saw you,

It was quite unexpected,

You hardly emerged and ran away without looking.


The first time I met you,

And I wondered who you were.

I didn’t expect what happened to occur.


That day when you spoke,

My heart jumped out in a flutter,

I couldn’t hear a word,

Like my ears were filled with water.


The next time I saw you,

You flashed a little smile,

Making me grin for quite a while.


I asked who you were,

And if we could be friends…

Only to find you didn’t understand a word I said.


So I laughed it off,

And we met each week.

Flash forward a year later when I took you in.


Finally now I can call you my own,

My own little kitten, as cute as a button,

And a loyal furry friend I hope will never be forgotten.


Discussion Question:

1. What or who did you think the narrator was talking about before she told you about the kitten?