Flags of the U.S. (left) and Cold War (right) (Source: ABC Clio)
The Cold War (1947-1991) was a period of geopolitical tension between the United States and the Soviet Union (USSR). They indirectly fought each other with propaganda, proxy wars, weapons, and more. Both countries increased state funding in order to ensure victory. Within the race for weapon innovations, they also competed in medical advancements. With high budgets towards medicine, medical research expanded and such repercussions can be seen in modern medicine as vaccines have benefitted millions today. Consequently, the Cold war brought about antibiotic resistance due to the widespread use of them. Hospitals’ overuse of antibiotics causes the bacteria and viruses to learn to resist, thus rendering the antibiotics useless.
Through the advances in vaccination, people were able to survive from diseases that could have easily killed people decades ago. Such diseases included polio, measles, and rubella. Vaccines improved the health of children and decreased the infant mortality rate.
In addition to vaccines, the Cold War brought about medical robots. These robots are able to scan for diseases that the average physician is unable to detect. They can accurately and precisely perform surgery. Additionally, they can provide hospitals with logistics to improve diagnoses and proper care and medication. Robots have become an essential part of society today due to the scientific advancements of the Cold War.
With many medical advances during the Cold War, people began to foster antibiotic resistance. Antibiotics, like penicillin, destroy certain bacteria in the body. With both countries having access to antibiotics, everyone, even livestock, consumed them. This began a wave of overuse of antibiotics. Bacteria evolved to fight against the antibiotics which led to highly resistant and stronger bacteria. Now, most bacteria have become antibiotic-resistant.
The advances in science enabled intricate research during the Cold War. We were able to cure diseases that killed millions before and provide medical attention to even more people. Even though the Cold War was an era of progression, we have also hindered the effectiveness of antibiotics.
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Discussion Questions:
What was your latest vaccine that you took?
What robots do you see daily? What do they help you with?
What diseases were cured in the Cold War?
Why are medical robots so important?
Geopolitical – Politics influenced by geographical features
Propaganda – Information used to promote a certain political view
Proxy War – Armed conflict between two parties, each having a country supporting each side of the conflict
Vaccines – Substance that provides immunity against several diseases
Antibiotic – Medicine that inhibits the growth of or destroys microorganisms
Rubella – Contagious disease with symptoms of measles
Logistic – Coordination of operation